Date of birth: 1985-09-28
Hips & eyes clear

Thanks to Mary Grove in England, we had the opportunity to import this wonderful Tervueren bitch in 1985. Crossie did not only become a terrific broodbitch, she also proved herself to be a super working and obedience dog. In 1991 Crossie won her championship and she is one of few imports to Sweden that have coped the mental test (Korning ).
Crossie also became a rescue dog chosen to help at the earhquake in Armenia. Her lovely temperament continues to live on through all her children and their offsprings. Many working dogs of today, cary the bloodlines from this excellent reproducer, some of them you will find under F,H & J-LITTERS and at well known kennels in scandinavia.



Rebec des Iroquois 

CH. s.r Japon du Clos de Razé

S.r Saphir du Clos du Chér 

Valor du Clos de Razé

S.r Jezabel des Iroquois 

CH. R.E Onix du Chemin des Dames ( G )

Velia des Iroquois 

Zarna Karina 

Gruline Aimee du Shane 

Staround Hy Arizona

Staround Hy Berrow 

Delator´s Fays-les-Veneurs 

Jinga Basil Brush of Zellik

Kepammi Heather