KORAD Continentalīs
Lamborghini JR got his eyes checked clear 2017-03-31.
KORAD Continentalīs
Ferrari and
her team Vildkattorna received 4:th place at the Swedish
championships in Agility 2017.
KORAD Continentalīs
Ferrari won
Skaraborgsmästerskapen individually in Agility
Ferrari and her new team The Fab4dogz are qualified for
the Swedish championships in Agility 2018.
New pictures of KORAD Continentalīs
We will no longer update the
results pages. Results will be noted under News and the
litter pages.
Many proud Congratulations to
Magdalena with KORAD Continentalīs Ferrari and also their new team
The Fab4dogz who have made fantastic results 2017 in both agility
and jumping. We are very very proud of you !