Results 2015


 The very skillful Agility girls Magdalena and KORAD Continental´s Ferrari continue making great results.
We wish them lots of good luck at future competitions !

Here are some of their nice results from 2016…

12/3 Agility class II at Varbergs Bk, 5:th place and second move up “pinne”.

7/5 Team “Vildkattorna”, 2:ond place + SM ”pinne” at Linköping Bk
(qualified for Swedish championships).
8/5 Agility class II at Mariestad Bk, 0 faults, 4:th place.
21/5 Agility class II at Halmstad Bk, 0 faults, 10:th place.
22/5 Agility class II at Halmstad Bk, 0 faults, 9:th place.
29/5 Team “ Vildkattorna”, 2:ond place + SM “pinne” at Forsakars Bk
(qualified for Swedish championships).

5/6 Agility class II at Ulricehamns Bk, 4:th place and 3:rd move up “pinne”.
18/6 Agility class III at SBK Stockholms avd. 5:th place and SM-“pinne” (qualified for Swedish championships).August
13/8 Jump class III at Tanums Bk, 0 faults,11:th place.

3/9 Team “Vildkattorna”, Jump class at Strängnäs Kk, 1:st place + SM “pinne”(qualified for the Swedish championships).
3/9 Team “Vildkattorna”, Agility class at Strängnäs Kk, 4:th place + SM “pinne” (qualified for the Swedish championships).

1/10 Team “Vildkattorna”, Agility class at Göteborg-Mölndals Bk, 3:rd place + SM ”pinne”(qualified for the Swedish championships).
2/10 Team “Vildkattorna”, Agility class at Göteborg-Mölndals Bk, 1:st place + SM ”pinne”(qualified for the Swedish championships).

13/11 Team “Vildkattorna”, Agility class at Smålandsstenar Bk,
last SM “pinne” and final qualification for the Swedish championships in agility team competition 2017 !
20/11 Jump class III at Göteborg-Mölndals Bk, 0 faults, 30:th place.
20/11 Jump class III at Göteborg-Mölndals Bk, 0 faults, 28:th place.



 Rally obedience results

   KORAD RLDN RLDF RLDA RLDM Continental´s Corvette
and her owner competed in rally obedience master class at Sjöbo Bkon May 2
1, 2016. Corvette got 86 points with a 15:th place and was approved.
At the same competition RLDN RLDF RLDA RLDM Quizzical´s Zkrutt JR of Gaia
and his littersister RLDN RLDF RLDA RLDM Quizzical´s Zanne of Gaia
(both children of our RLDN RLDF Continental´s Rebel by Maniac) were approved
as well. Zkrutt JR got 98 points totally and a 3:rd place !
Wonderful job kids – Many many proud Congratulations !

On June 6, 2016 Corvette became a RALLY OBEDIENCE MASTER
at Hörby Bk ! Well done my girl !
The following Saturday June 11, 2016 Corvette made an other competition at Höganäs Bk in rally obedience master class and was

approved with 84 points
and 11:th place totally